We are celebrating Black November with 10-30% selected items!

The month of August is all about the Peridot Gemstone!

Did you know that the Peridot originated from the Ancient Egyptians who described it as ‘the gem of the sun’? Peridot stones were carved by talismans who had to collect gems on behalf of the Pharaoh’s treasury. The significance in colour is owing to the rich, bright, and bold yellow extractions from the minerals. 

A famous tale suggests that the Peridot gemstone found its way to the shrine of the Three Holy Kings; however, for centuries, it was mistaken as an emerald. It’s believed that all the so-called emeralds Cleopatra wore were Peridots derived from Egypt. Peridot has since been described as an ‘Evening Emerald’, when you look at the gemstone under artificial light, you would think it is a bright green. Interestingly the two gems are similar in colour but a Peridot is softer in intensity. The more carats a Peridot contains, the more expensive and rare it is. The most famous Peridot to date is kept at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City and the cut is 310 carat. Now that is a huge, gemstone.

A summary of this beautiful gemstone: 

Birthstone: August

Zodiac: Leo and Virgo

Element: Earth 

Family Origin: Olivine

A Peridot holds significant importance; not only is it the birthstone for August. It also signifies the 16th Wedding Anniversary mark. We love Peridot if you would like to visit our collection, please do so here: https://penchantdesign.com/collections/ 

Tips on Cleaning This Birthstone: 

We all know caring for your jewelry is imperative, especially cleaning those statement jewellery pieces. Like other gemstones, it is important to keep your Peridot jewellery away from other gemstones. Since more durable gemstones such as Emeralds, Ruby, Sapphire, and Diamond will scratch the Peridot if they’re paired together. Place them upright separately in your jewellery box in the designated ring section or in a separate ring box.

It’s equally important to stay away from extreme heat sources like radiators or fire. Even the windowsill and prolonged periods in the sun have the potential to damage Peridot gemstone jewellery. Hot water and acids will also cause damage to this stone. Therefore we advise you to take extra care of your fine jewellery sets

We would love to design a unique item of Jewellery that is authentically you and, we know you will love Peridot as much as we do!

Stay Beautiful,

Jackie Hahn & Penchant Design Team